Tuesday 25 September 2012

WPF / MVVM Real-Time Trading Application

WPF / MVVM Real-Time Trading Application

This project is a real-time multi-threaded trading application framework developed with WPF / MVVM.

It makes use of Reactive Extensions for .NET (Rx) to observe, throttle and conflate data.

It implements rate-monotonic scheduling algorithm using Task Parallel Library (TPL) to guarantee task execution within a predefined deadline. 

It deploys some techniques used by Complex Adaptive Systems to self-validate and monitor its resources.

Technologies of interest: C#, .NET 4.0, WCF, WPF, MVVM, Rx, TPL, LINQ

Application domain: Real-Time, Front-Office, Trading Systems

The article 'WPF / MVVM Real-Time Trading Application' is now available at:

WPF Real-Time App
Picture 3 - WPF Real-Time App

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