Sunday 26 September 2021

Sum two number without arithmetic operator

Sum two number without arithmetic operator, Using C#

using System; 

namespace ConsoleApp1


    public class Program


        static void Main()


            int sum = SumWithoutArithmeticOprator(25, 7);

            Console.WriteLine($"Sum of two numbers is {sum}");




        private static int SumWithoutArithmeticOprator(int v1, int v2)


            if (v2 == 0) return v1;

            if (v1 == 0) return v2;

            // Where v1 ^ v2: XOR bitwise calculation

            // v1 & v2: AND bitwise with carry

            return SumWithoutArithmeticOprator((v1 ^ v2), (v1 & v2) << 1);






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