Thursday, 27 September 2012

All-In-One WPF Code Samples

All-In-One WPF Code Samples
Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) provides developers with a unified programming model for building rich Windows smart client user experiences that incorporate UI, media, and documents. The All-In-One WPF code samples demonstrate the typical programming topics about WPF. These topics are either frequently asked in MSDN forums and Microsoft Support, or are requested by many developers via our code sample request function. We want to alleviate the frustration felt by developers when they are developing WPF projects.

Visual Studio 2008 Code Samples
CSWPFAnimatedImageThe WPF code sample demonstrates how to display a series of photos just like a digital picture frame with a "Wipe" effect.DownloadReadMe.txt
CSWPFAutoCompleteTextBoxThe code sample demonstrates an easy implementation of AutoCompleteTextBox in WPF.DownloadReadMe.txt
CSWPFCascadeDataGridComboBoxColumnsThe code sample demonstrates how to show cascaded data in two combobox controls in DataGridDownloadReadMe.txt
CSWPFClipboardViewerThis code sample demonstrates how to monitor Windows clipboard changes in a WPF application.DownloadReadMe.txt
CSWPFDataBindingThis project demonstrates the basics of Data Binding in WPF. The sample provides both procedural code and XAML code for implementing data bindingDownloadReadMe.txt
CSWPFMasterDetailBindingThis sample demonstrates how to implement master/detail data binding in WPF.DownloadReadMe.txt
CSWPFMVVMPracticeThe code sample demonstrates how to implement the MVVM pattern in a WPF application.DownloadReadMe.txt
CSWPFNavigationUsageThe sample demonstrates navigation usages in a WPF application.DownloadReadMe.txt
CSWPFPagingThe sample demonstrates how to page data in WPF.DownloadReadMe.txt
CSWPFThreadingThe code sample project illustrates two WPF threading models.DownloadReadMe.txt
CSWPFTwoLevelGroupingThe sample demonstrates how to display two-level grouped data in WPF.DownloadReadMe.txt
VBWPFAnimatedImageThe WPF code sample demonstrates how to display a series of photos just like a digital picture frame with a "Wipe" effect.DownloadReadMe.txt
VBWPFAutoCompleteTextBoxThe code sample demonstrates an easy implementation of AutoCompleteTextBox in WPF.DownloadReadMe.txt
VBWPFCascadeDataGridComboBoxColumnsThe code sample demonstrates how to show cascaded data in two combobox controls in DataGridDownloadReadMe.txt
VBWPFClipboardViewerThis code sample demonstrates how to monitor Windows clipboard changes in a WPF application.DownloadReadMe.txt
VBWPFDataBindingThis project demonstrates the basics of Data Binding in WPF. The sample provides both procedural code and XAML code for implementing data bindingDownloadReadMe.txt
VBWPFMasterDetailBindingThis sample demonstrates how to implement master/detail data binding in WPF.DownloadReadMe.txt
VBWPFPagingThe sample demonstrates how to page data in WPF.DownloadReadMe.txt
VBWPFThreadingThe code sample project illustrates two WPF threading models.DownloadReadMe.txt
VBWPFTwoLevelGroupingThe sample demonstrates how to display two-level grouped data in WPF.DownloadReadMe.txt

Visual Studio 2010 Code Samples
CSWPF3DMultiTouchThe code sample demonstrates using WPF 4's support of multi-touch events to manipulate a 3D scene.DownloadReadMe.txt
CSWPFCascadeDataGridComboBoxColumnsThe code sample demonstrates how to show cascaded data in two combobox controls in DataGridDownloadReadMe.txt
VBWPF3DMultiTouchThe code sample demonstrates using WPF 4's support of multi-touch events to manipulate a 3D scene.DownloadReadMe.txt
VBWPFCascadeDataGridComboBoxColumnsThe code sample demonstrates how to show cascaded data in two combobox controls in DataGridDownloadReadMe.txt
VBWPFMVVMPracticeThe code sample demonstrates how to implement the MVVM pattern in a WPF application.DownloadReadMe.txt

Download all code samples

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