using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.IO;
namespace Master_Clear_Database
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
DataTable databaseTable = new DataTable();
public static string tableId;
public static string allconn;
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
{//---connect check
if (txtserver.Text != "" && txtDatabase.Text != "")
string _constr = ConnStr();
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(_constr);
string _allTable = "SELECT * FROM sys.tables order by name asc";
SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(_allTable, con);
dataGridView1.DataSource = databaseTable;
label6.Text = "Connection Succeed";
label7.Text = "Total Tables - " + databaseTable.Rows.Count;
label6.Text = "Not Connected, Please Fill Currect Information";
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(),"error in connection",MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Error);
private void FillGrid()
if (txtserver.Text != "" && txtDatabase.Text != "")
string _constr = ConnStr();
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(_constr);
string _allTable = "SELECT * FROM sys.tables order by name asc";
SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(_allTable, con);
dataGridView1.DataSource = databaseTable;
label6.Text = "Connection Succeed";
label7.Text = "Total Tables - " + databaseTable.Rows.Count;
label6.Text = "Not Connected, Please Fill Currect Information";
catch (Exception)
private string ConnStr()
string _connectBase = "Data Source=" + txtserver.Text + ";Initial Catalog=" + txtDatabase.Text + ";";
if (radioButton1.Checked)
_connectBase=_connectBase+"Integrated Security=True";
else if (radioButton2.Checked)
_connectBase = _connectBase + "User ID=" + txtUid.Text.Trim() + ";Password=" + txtpwd.Text.Trim() + "";
allconn = _connectBase;
return _connectBase;
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void radioButton1_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (radioButton1.Checked)
txtUid.Enabled = false;
txtpwd.Enabled = false;
txtUid.Text = "";
txtpwd.Text = "";
txtUid.Enabled = true;
txtpwd.Enabled = true;
private void dataGridView1_CellContentClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
{//--truncate table coding
switch (e.ColumnIndex)
case 0:
string Task = dataGridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[0].Value.ToString();
if (Task == "clear")
if (MessageBox.Show("Are you sure to clear data?", "Clening...", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes)
string DelId = dataGridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells["name"].Value.ToString();
string delQuery = "TRUNCATE TABLE " + DelId + "";
string _constr = ConnStr();
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(_constr); con.Open();
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(delQuery,con);
cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); con.Close();
MessageBox.Show("" + DelId + " table data clear");
case 1:
string Task1 = dataGridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[1].Value.ToString();
if (Task1 == "showdata")
if (MessageBox.Show("Are you sure to show data?", "showing...", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes)
string showid = dataGridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells["name"].Value.ToString();
showdata _sh = new showdata();
tableId = showid;
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
{//---back up
private void SecondBackUp()
{//Second backUp userDefine Location
string Location;
SaveFileDialog ofd = new SaveFileDialog();
ofd.FileName = txtDatabase.Text;
ofd.Filter = "Backup files (*.bak)|*.BAK|All files (*.*)|*.*";
ofd.RestoreDirectory = true;
if (ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
Location = ofd.FileName;
Location = Path.GetDirectoryName(Location);
//----------backup coding
// Backup bkp = new Backup();
////DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;
////string mydt = string.Format("{0:yyyy/MM/dd}", dt);
bool bBackUpStatus = true;
Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
if (Directory.Exists(@"" + ofd.FileName + ""))
if (File.Exists(@"" + Location + "\\"+txtDatabase.Text+".bak"))
File.Delete(@"" + Location + "\\"+txtDatabase.Text+".bak");
bBackUpStatus = false;
Directory.CreateDirectory(@"" + Location + "");
if (bBackUpStatus)
SqlCommand command;
string query;
// query = "BACKUP DATABASE [Billing] TO DISK = N'" + Location + "'\\Billing.bak' WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT, NAME = N'Billing-Full Database Backup', SKIP, NOREWIND, NOUNLOAD, STATS = 10";
query = "BACKUP DATABASE ["+txtDatabase.Text+"] TO DISK = N'" + Location + "\\"+txtDatabase.Text+".bak' WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT, NAME = N'"+txtDatabase.Text+"-Full Database Backup', SKIP, NOREWIND, NOUNLOAD, STATS = 10";
string _constr = ConnStr();
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(_constr); con.Open();
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query,con);
cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); con.Close();
// bkp.Action = BackupActionType.Database;
this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
MessageBox.Show("Backup SuccessFully Save In " + Location + " Drive", "* Backup *", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
//this.progressBar1.Value = 100;
catch (Exception)
// throw;
//-----add new window form for show data
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
namespace Master_Clear_Database
public partial class showdata : Form
public showdata()
private void showdata_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
string _mytable = Form1.tableId;
string _allCon = Form1.allconn;
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(_allCon);
string query = "Select * from " + _mytable + "";
SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(query, con);
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
dataGridView1.DataSource = dt;
//---happy programing
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.IO;
namespace Master_Clear_Database
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
DataTable databaseTable = new DataTable();
public static string tableId;
public static string allconn;
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
{//---connect check
if (txtserver.Text != "" && txtDatabase.Text != "")
string _constr = ConnStr();
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(_constr);
string _allTable = "SELECT * FROM sys.tables order by name asc";
SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(_allTable, con);
dataGridView1.DataSource = databaseTable;
label6.Text = "Connection Succeed";
label7.Text = "Total Tables - " + databaseTable.Rows.Count;
label6.Text = "Not Connected, Please Fill Currect Information";
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(),"error in connection",MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Error);
private void FillGrid()
if (txtserver.Text != "" && txtDatabase.Text != "")
string _constr = ConnStr();
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(_constr);
string _allTable = "SELECT * FROM sys.tables order by name asc";
SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(_allTable, con);
dataGridView1.DataSource = databaseTable;
label6.Text = "Connection Succeed";
label7.Text = "Total Tables - " + databaseTable.Rows.Count;
label6.Text = "Not Connected, Please Fill Currect Information";
catch (Exception)
private string ConnStr()
string _connectBase = "Data Source=" + txtserver.Text + ";Initial Catalog=" + txtDatabase.Text + ";";
if (radioButton1.Checked)
_connectBase=_connectBase+"Integrated Security=True";
else if (radioButton2.Checked)
_connectBase = _connectBase + "User ID=" + txtUid.Text.Trim() + ";Password=" + txtpwd.Text.Trim() + "";
allconn = _connectBase;
return _connectBase;
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void radioButton1_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (radioButton1.Checked)
txtUid.Enabled = false;
txtpwd.Enabled = false;
txtUid.Text = "";
txtpwd.Text = "";
txtUid.Enabled = true;
txtpwd.Enabled = true;
private void dataGridView1_CellContentClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
{//--truncate table coding
switch (e.ColumnIndex)
case 0:
string Task = dataGridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[0].Value.ToString();
if (Task == "clear")
if (MessageBox.Show("Are you sure to clear data?", "Clening...", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes)
string DelId = dataGridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells["name"].Value.ToString();
string delQuery = "TRUNCATE TABLE " + DelId + "";
string _constr = ConnStr();
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(_constr); con.Open();
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(delQuery,con);
cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); con.Close();
MessageBox.Show("" + DelId + " table data clear");
case 1:
string Task1 = dataGridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[1].Value.ToString();
if (Task1 == "showdata")
if (MessageBox.Show("Are you sure to show data?", "showing...", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes)
string showid = dataGridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells["name"].Value.ToString();
showdata _sh = new showdata();
tableId = showid;
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
{//---back up
private void SecondBackUp()
{//Second backUp userDefine Location
string Location;
SaveFileDialog ofd = new SaveFileDialog();
ofd.FileName = txtDatabase.Text;
ofd.Filter = "Backup files (*.bak)|*.BAK|All files (*.*)|*.*";
ofd.RestoreDirectory = true;
if (ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
Location = ofd.FileName;
Location = Path.GetDirectoryName(Location);
//----------backup coding
// Backup bkp = new Backup();
////DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;
////string mydt = string.Format("{0:yyyy/MM/dd}", dt);
bool bBackUpStatus = true;
Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
if (Directory.Exists(@"" + ofd.FileName + ""))
if (File.Exists(@"" + Location + "\\"+txtDatabase.Text+".bak"))
File.Delete(@"" + Location + "\\"+txtDatabase.Text+".bak");
bBackUpStatus = false;
Directory.CreateDirectory(@"" + Location + "");
if (bBackUpStatus)
SqlCommand command;
string query;
// query = "BACKUP DATABASE [Billing] TO DISK = N'" + Location + "'\\Billing.bak' WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT, NAME = N'Billing-Full Database Backup', SKIP, NOREWIND, NOUNLOAD, STATS = 10";
query = "BACKUP DATABASE ["+txtDatabase.Text+"] TO DISK = N'" + Location + "\\"+txtDatabase.Text+".bak' WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT, NAME = N'"+txtDatabase.Text+"-Full Database Backup', SKIP, NOREWIND, NOUNLOAD, STATS = 10";
string _constr = ConnStr();
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(_constr); con.Open();
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query,con);
cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); con.Close();
// bkp.Action = BackupActionType.Database;
this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
MessageBox.Show("Backup SuccessFully Save In " + Location + " Drive", "* Backup *", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
//this.progressBar1.Value = 100;
catch (Exception)
// throw;
//-----add new window form for show data
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
namespace Master_Clear_Database
public partial class showdata : Form
public showdata()
private void showdata_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
string _mytable = Form1.tableId;
string _allCon = Form1.allconn;
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(_allCon);
string query = "Select * from " + _mytable + "";
SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(query, con);
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
dataGridView1.DataSource = dt;
//---happy programing
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